Soulmate isn't someone who completes you but someone who inspires you to complete yourself. They say, by the time you turn 16, you'd have met someone you were going to spend your life with, your soulmate. That was you and I. Our first meeting wasn’t anything special, just another one of our parents’ social gathering that we were dragged into. Fate intervened and brought us together yet again a few years later, at one of your cousins’ wedding. Even through long and winding road, the red string tied between our pinkies never tangled nor broke.
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Due to #COVID19 condition which very devastating for all of us, it impacting us too on our special day. We can't met you personally and can't held an event where we can celebrate together with you, but we know that your blessing is here with us. This virtual angpao we provide you to give us a little love.
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Gupita Arsa Pinasthika HADIR
Selamat menempuh hidup baru Riris dan Pandu :)
4 tahun yang lalu
Mba Fanni Irsanti & Mas Trias
Barakallah fii umrik Mas Pandu dan Mba Riris, semoga lancar acara pernikahannya, dan semoga menjadi keluarga sakinah, mawaddah, warrahmah.
4 tahun yang lalu